Fitness Brown Rice

Enriched with carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, and iron, Fitness Basmati Rice is the healthiest choice of Basmati Rice. Obtained from Pusa Basmati Rice, Fitness Brown Rice is processed in a way that the rice retains its nutritional value. The high nutritional value and health benefits of Shri Lal Mahal’s Fitness Brown Basmati Rice make it the rice of choice for healthcare practitioners. 

Prioritizing your health

With high fibre content, Fitness Brown Basmati Rice helps in improving digestion and reduces cholesterol.

Each grain of the Fitness Basmati Rice contains Gaba Neurotransmitters that contribute to improving IQ and memory.

During the processing of the rice, only the outermost layer of the rice gets removed. This ensures that the nutritional value of the rice remains intact.

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